- Dr. Adrian Oberlin, Managing Director
- Thomas Gut, ESADE MBA, BSc FHO BA, Compliance Officer, Deputy Managing Director
- Charlotte Blanc, Ratinganalystin
- Dr. Marco Daldoss, Rating Models & Development
- Cornel Egger, CFA, Rating Analyst
- Peter Gasser, lic. oec. HSG, AZEK, CIIA, Rating Analyst
- Kaan Göksular, MSc Financial Engineering, Model Developer
- Pascal Haltiner, Rating Analyst
- Thomas Hasler, Rating Analyst
- Bruno Holdener, Business Economist HWV, Rating Analyst
- David Lässer, CRA HSG, Betriebsökonom FH, Rating Analyst
- Notker Müller, Ratinganalyst
- Dr. Evelyn Ribi, Rating Analystin
- Ronny Schmoll, EMBA, Certified Banking Specialist & Financial Planner, Rating Analyst
- Roman Sorg, lic. oec. publ. Universität Zürich, AZEK, CIIA, Rating Analyst
- Remo Spirig, Rating Analyst
- Dr. Janine Studerus, CFDS, Rating Analystin
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is responsible for the fundamental shaping of strategic corporate policy. In addition, it is responsible for the implementation of and continuous compliance with the regulatory requirements for credit rating agencies. The Board of Directors is composed of shareholders and other specialists:
- Dr. Tobias Guldimann (Chairman)
- Dr. Marco Daldoss
- Fredy R. Flury
- Roman Schnider
- Dr. Christoph Senti
Supervisory Committee of the Board of Directors
The Supervisory Committee of the Board of Directors is responsible for reviewing compliance with the regulatory requirements for credit rating agencies and thus in particular for compliance with the IOSCO standards for credit rating agencies. As a rule, it meets twice a year and reports to the Board of Directors. It is composed of non-operational members of the Board of Directors and external experts with relevant experience in risk management combined with specific knowledge of ratings and rating agencies:
- Dr. Tobias Guldimann (Chairman)
- Prof. Dr. Damir Filipovic
- Prof. Dr. Markus Leippold
- Dr. Christoph Senti